Transforming public mental health with innovative digital solutions that improve the experience of patients and medical professionals

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🩺 Abstract

e-Salut Mental Catalunya is a pioneering digital transformation project in mental health within the public healthcare system of Catalunya. Funded by the Government of the Generalitat with European funds, its goal is to incorporate digital solutions that enhance the care process and the experience of both patients and medical professionals.

🚧 Challenge


Increase and prevalence of mental health disorders in the population

Significant increase in depressive and anxiety disorders worldwide. High prevalence of disorders, misdiagnoses, and lack of supportive digital tools (impact of COVID-19 and other cumulative contextual factors affecting the mental health of the general population).


Overload in the mental health care system and lack of efficiency

High demand from mental health patients in the public system (especially young people and adolescents) with overburdened professional units. Culture of technological innovation below its potential and lack of integration of truly effective and efficient digital solutions into care processes.